Elevator Automatic Rescue Devices
Jun 09 2024|
Hydraulic Elevator Automatic Rescue Boards
The U-RSKU series is an elevator ARD (Automatic Rescue Device) series that is fully designed and manufactured at Ultimatrue Engineering Industries. The U-RSKU series user manual operates to serve multiple elevator U-RSKU models, which include (refer to Table 1.0):
U-RSKU-D10, U-RSKU-D16, U-RSKU-C10/380/M, U-RSKU-C10/380/A220, U-RSKU-C10/380/A380, U-RSKU-C10/220/M, U-RSKU-C10/220/A220, U-RSKU-C16/380/M, U-RSKU-C16/380/A220, U-RSKU-C16/380/A380, U-RSKU-C20/380/M, U-RSKU-C20/380/A220, U-RSKU-C20/380/A380, U-RSKU-C30/380/M, U-RSKU-C30/380/A220, and U-RSKU-C30/380/A380. The U-RSKU series contain safety circuits by hardware and by software designed to control speed and direction systems. The U-RSKU series provide distinct battery charging operations and battery optimization for extended battery lifetime. The U-RSKU series provides a total of thirteen general software programs, accustomed with a user-friendly menu interface.
The U-RSKU series complies with the international lift safety standards EN 81-20 and EN 81-50.
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